Archive for the month 'December, 2008'

baby's abacus

baby's abacus

inspects kitchen drawers

inspects kitchen drawers

inspects horse with grandpa

inspects horse with grandpa

with grandma in her store

with grandma in her store

fun down the slide!

fun down the slide!

laughs with grandpa

laughs with grandpa

tries on shades

tries on shades

examines the model trains

examines the model trains

look at that, grandpa

look at that, grandpa

in the kitchen with grandma

in the kitchen with grandma

looks at the dog

looks at the dog

grandma reads to Matthew

looks at kangaroos

looks at kangaroos

in chair with grandpa

in chair with grandpa

Matthew controls the remote

Matthew controls the remote

atop the horse

plays with grandma

plays with grandma

eats a biscuit

eats a biscuit

with the rubik's cube

with the rubik's cube

with grandma and grandpa

with grandma and grandpa

at the otter outpost

at the otter outpost

grandpa holds matthew atop horse

grandpa holds matthew atop horse

eats with spoon

eats with spoon

admires the decorations

admires the decorations

Merry Christmas from Matthew!

Merry Christmas from Matthew!

at chevy chase plaza

at chevy chase plaza

holiday train at union station

holiday train at union station

at mazza gallerie

at mazza gallerie

in chair with Max

in chair with Max

needs his morning joe

standing with toys

standing with toys

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