Archive for the month 'April, 2017'

trying to figure each other out

trying to figure each other out

bottle flipping

bottle flipping

holding Chloe

holding Chloe

new skateboard

new skateboard

on base!

on base!

sidewalk skateboarding

sidewalk skateboarding

fielding grounders

fielding grounders

court skateboarding

court skateboarding

ready at third

ready at third



on second base

on second base

rounding third

rounding third

rapt at video games

rapt at video games

as a runner on 2nd

as a runner on 2nd

gathered for a birthday party

gathered for a birthday party

waiting at second

waiting at second

video gaming with Philip

video gaming with Philip

setup for egg dyeing

setup for egg dyeing

tribe teams

tribe teams

easter egg hunt

easter egg hunt

football with grandpa

football with grandpa

dyeing an egg

dyeing an egg

going long

going long

spring candy holiday

spring candy holiday

checking out candy haul

checking out candy haul

whiffle ball bp

whiffle ball bp

handling an egg

handling an egg

ready for grounders

ready for grounders

egg in green dye

egg in green dye

new glove

new glove

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