\documentclass[10pt]{article} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.25in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.25in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0pt} \setlength{\textwidth}{7in} \setlength{\textheight}{8.5in} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{.2ex} \newcommand{\focus}[1]{\textit{#1}} \newcommand{\sessioncount}[1]{\normalsize Total Sessions:#1} \makeatletter \newcommand{\ps@epitome}{% \renewcommand{\@oddhead}{March Meeting 2010. \hfil \textit{Focus Sessions} in italics {\tiny (Invited talk \# in parenthesis)} } \renewcommand{\@evenhead}{\@oddhead} \renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{PB=Portland Ballroom, OB=Oregon Ballroom\hfil} \renewcommand{\@evenfoot}{\@oddfoot} } \makeatother \pagestyle{epitome} \begin{document} \small \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{8:00am Monday}} \\ A1 & \tiny(5) & Phase-sensitive Probes of the Pairing Symmetry in Fe-Based Superconductors. \textsc{OB~201} \\ A2 & \tiny(5) & Topological Insulators and Topological Superfluids. \textsc{OB~202} \\ A3 & \tiny(5) & New Developments in Strontium Ruthenates. \textsc{OB~203} \\ A4 & \tiny(5) & Human Mobility: The Statistical Physics of When, Where, and How. \textsc{OB~204} \\ A5 & \tiny(5) & Silicon Photonics. \textsc{PB~256} \\ A6 & \tiny(5) & Recent (algorithmic) Developments in Complex and Glass Systems. \textsc{PB~253} \\ A7 & \tiny(5) & Single Chain Experiments: from Polymers to Biophysics. \textsc{PB~254} \\ A8 & \tiny(5) & Quantum Opto-Mechanics. \textsc{PB~255} \\ A9 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Optics of Nanostructures---Quantum Dots I}. \textsc{A105} \\ A10 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Single Molecule Biophysics and Chemical Physics I}. \textsc{A106} \\ A11 & \tiny(0) & Energy Conversion Followed by Energy Storage Methods. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ A12 & \tiny(0) & Microfluidics I: Electrokinesis and Transport. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ A13 & \tiny(0) & Convection and Crystal Growth. \textsc{B112} \\ A14 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Transport Properties of Nanostructures I: Single-Molecule Junctions}. \textsc{B113} \\ A15 & \tiny(0) & Structural Materials, Defects, Deformation. \textsc{B114} \\ A16 & \tiny(0) & Graphite and Intercalated Compounds. \textsc{B115} \\ A17 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Relaxation Dynamics of Polymeric Glasses I}. \textsc{B116} \\ A18 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Multiscale Modeling in Polymer and Soft Matter Physics}. \textsc{B117} \\ A19 & \tiny(0) & Polymer Blends. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ A20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Functionalization and Growth}. \textsc{C120-122} \\ A21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Quantum Interference and Transport}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ A22 & \tiny(0) & Graphene Applications. \textsc{PB~252} \\ A23 & \tiny(0) & Density Functional Theory I. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ A24 & \tiny(0) & Spintronic Materials. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ A25 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - ZnO}. \textsc{D135} \\ A26 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Recent Progress in Quantum Algorithms and Computational Complexity}. \textsc{D136} \\ A27 & \tiny(0) & Evolutionary and Ecological Systems. \textsc{D137} \\ A28 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Confined and Biological Water I}. \textsc{C124} \\ A29 & \tiny(1) & Physics and Materials for Inorganic Photovoltaics: I. \textsc{C123} \\ A30 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Chirality-Controlled Growth of Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructures}. \textsc{D139} \\ A31 & \tiny(0) & Spinor Degrees of Freedom and Rotation in Quantum Gases. \textsc{E141} \\ A32 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Directed Self Assembly of Dots, Islands and Wires on Templates}. \textsc{E142} \\ A33 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Magnetization and Spin Dynamics I}. \textsc{E143} \\ A34 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Nanostructured Films}. \textsc{E144} \\ A35 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Hyperfine Interactions}. \textsc{E145} \\ A36 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---Perovskite Manganites}. \textsc{E146} \\ A37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Conductivity at Oxide Interfaces}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ A38 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Criticality I: Kondo Lattice Systems. \textsc{F149} \\ A39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Superconductors: New Materials}. \textsc{F150} \\ A40 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Phonons and Electron Correlations in High Temperature Superconductors I}. \textsc{F151} \\ A41 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Multilayers and Josephson Effects. \textsc{F152} \\ A42 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Physics Teacher Preparation: Effective Strategies, National Models, and Challenging Issues}. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session A:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{11:15am Monday}} \\ B1 & \tiny(5) & Magnetism in Fe Pnictides and Chalcogenides. \textsc{OB~201} \\ B2 & \tiny(5) & Theory and Experiment on Topological Insulators. \textsc{OB~202} \\ B3 & \tiny(5) & How to Interest Middle School Children in Physical Science. \textsc{OB~203} \\ B4 & \tiny(5) & Dynamics of Polymers on Multi-Length Scales: Solutions. \textsc{OB~204} \\ B5 & \tiny(5) & Five Legacies from the Laser. \textsc{PB~256} \\ B6 & \tiny(5) & Controlling Dissipation in Quantum Systems. \textsc{PB~253} \\ B7 & \tiny(5) & Evolutionary Dynamics. \textsc{PB~254} \\ B8 & \tiny(5) & Four Horsement of the Apocalypse Redux: The Physics of Global Catastrophes and Global Countermeasures. \textsc{PB~255} \\ B9 & \tiny(0) & Theory of Semiconductors. \textsc{A105} \\ B10 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Single Molecule Biophysics and Chemical Physics II}. \textsc{A106} \\ B11 & \tiny(0) & Energy Storage Methods. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ B12 & \tiny(0) & GSNP Graduate Student Prize and Liquid Crystals: Smectics. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ B13 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Networks I}. \textsc{B112} \\ B14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Electrodynamics of Metamaterials}. \textsc{B113} \\ B15 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy I: Novel AFM, MRFM, and Acoustic Microscopy}. \textsc{B114} \\ B16 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Organic Electronics and Photonics: Solar Cell Materials and Devices}. \textsc{B115} \\ B17 & \tiny(0) & Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films. \textsc{B116} \\ B18 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Crystallization in Confined Geometry I}. \textsc{B117} \\ B19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Thin Films Copolymers I}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ B20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Superconductivity, Electrical Properties}. \textsc{C120-C122} \\ B21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Magnetic Properties}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ B22 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene Structure: Local Probes}. \textsc{PB~252} \\ B23 & \tiny(0) & Strongly Correlated Systems I. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ B24 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Thin Film Multiferroics}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ B25 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Electric-to-Light Conversion and Optics in Semiconductors I}. \textsc{D135} \\ B26 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Semiconductor Qubits - Silicon and III-Vs}. \textsc{D136} \\ B27 & \tiny(0) & Experimental Techniques in Biophysics. \textsc{D137} \\ B28 & \tiny(0) & SPS Undergraduate Research I. \textsc{C124} \\ B29 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Thermoelectrics I: Recent Concepts}. \textsc{C123} \\ B30 & \tiny(0) & High Pressure I. \textsc{D139} \\ B31 & \tiny(0) & BEC/Matter Wave Optics. \textsc{E141} \\ B32 & \tiny(0) & Structure and Morphology: Oxide Surfaces. \textsc{E142} \\ B33 & \tiny(0) & Cooperative Phenomena Theory. \textsc{E143} \\ B34 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Exchange \& Multiferroics}. \textsc{E144} \\ B35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Quantum Dots}. \textsc{E145} \\ B36 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---Manganite Multiferroics}. \textsc{E146} \\ B37 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ B38 & \tiny(0) & Heavy Fermions I: URu2Si2 and other U- and Yb-based systems. \textsc{F149} \\ B39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors Synthesis and Doping}. \textsc{F150} \\ B40 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors Physical Properties I}. \textsc{F151} \\ B41 & \tiny(0) & Tunneling Spectroscopy of Superconductors. \textsc{F152} \\ B42 & \tiny(0) & Charge, Spin, and Superconductivity. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session B:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{2:30pm Monday}} \\ D1 & \tiny(4) & Goeppert Mayer Award, IUPAP Young Scientist Award, and Apker Award Session. \textsc{OB~201} \\ D2 & \tiny(5) & Correlated System including Topological Insulators: Materials, Measurements, and Majorana Modes. \textsc{OB~202} \\ D3 & \tiny(4) & Materials for Solar to Electricity Conversion: Status and Future. \textsc{OB~203} \\ D4 & \tiny(5) & Quantum Computer Science. \textsc{OB~204} \\ D5 & \tiny(6) & Pais Prize Talk; Sam Goudsmit: Physics, Editor, and More. \textsc{PB~256} \\ D6 & \tiny(5) & Dynamics of Polymers on Multi-Length Scales: Interfaces. \textsc{PB~253} \\ D7 & \tiny(5) & Fluctuations and Critical Phenomena in Population Dynamics. \textsc{PB~254} \\ D8 & \tiny(5) & Spin Transport in Carbon-based Materials. \textsc{PB~255} \\ D9 & \tiny(0) & Semiconductor Structure and Mechanical Properties. \textsc{A105} \\ D10 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Single Molecule Biophysics and Chemical Physics III}. \textsc{A106} \\ D11 & \tiny(2) & Physics of Bacteria I. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ D12 & \tiny(0) & Colloidal Crystals, Suspensions and Films. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ D13 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Complex Networks II}. \textsc{B112} \\ D14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Transport Properties of Nanostructures II: Non-Equilibrium and Correlated Electron Phenomena}. \textsc{B113} \\ D15 & \tiny(1) & \focus{X-ray and Neutron Instruments and Measurement Science I}. \textsc{B114} \\ D16 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Organic Electronics and Photonics: Solar Cells and Photophysics}. \textsc{B115} \\ D17 & \tiny(0) & Liquid Crystalline Order in Polymer and Complex Fluids. \textsc{B116} \\ D18 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Crystallization in Confined Geometry II}. \textsc{B117} \\ D19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Thin Films Copolymers II}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ D20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Computational Design of New Materials---Structure/Property Relationships}. \textsc{C120-122} \\ D21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Correlated States}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ D22 & \tiny(0) & Materials Chemically Derived from Graphene. \textsc{PB~252} \\ D23 & \tiny(0) & Strongly Correlated Systems II. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ D24 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Bulk Multiferroics}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ D25 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Nitrides, SiC}. \textsc{D135} \\ D26 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Semiconductor Qubits - Silicon}. \textsc{D136} \\ D27 & \tiny(1) & Self-organization in Biological Cells and Tissue I. \textsc{D137} \\ D28 & \tiny(0) & SPS Undergraduate Research II. \textsc{C124} \\ D29 & \tiny(2) & Physics and Materials for Inorganic Photovoltaics: II. \textsc{C123} \\ D30 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Hydrogen Storage I}. \textsc{D139} \\ D31 & \tiny(0) & Molecular and Dipolar Quantum Gases. \textsc{E141} \\ D32 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Controlled Self Assembly and Growth}. \textsc{E142} \\ D33 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Magnetic Oxides}. \textsc{E143} \\ D34 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Nanowires \& Thermal Effects}. \textsc{E144} \\ D35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Topological Insulators}. \textsc{E145} \\ D36 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---Cobaltites and Vanadates}. \textsc{E146} \\ D37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Oxide 2DEGs and Devices}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ D38 & \tiny(0) & Charge Density Waves. \textsc{F149} \\ D39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Theory I}. \textsc{F150} \\ D40 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Vortices. \textsc{F151} \\ D41 & \tiny(0) & Ruthenates and Unconventional Superconducting Pairing. \textsc{F152} \\ D42 & \tiny(0) & Topological Insulators: Experiment. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session D:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{5:45pm Monday}} \\ E1 & \tiny(0) & APS Prizes and Awards Ceremonial Session and Past President's Address. \textsc{Portland~251} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{8:00am Tuesday}} \\ H1 & \tiny(5) & Charge and Spin Transport in Josephson and Proximity Devices. \textsc{OB~201} \\ H2 & \tiny(4) & Recent Advances in Cell and Single Molecule Manipulation. \textsc{OB~202} \\ H3 & \tiny(5) & Room Temperature Semiconductor Spintronics. \textsc{OB~203} \\ H4 & \tiny(5) & Polymer Physics Prize. \textsc{OB~204} \\ H5 & \tiny(5) & Facing the Challenge of the LED Droop. \textsc{PB~256} \\ H6 & \tiny(5) & Artificial Electromagnetism and other Gauge Fields in Cold Atomic Gases. \textsc{PB~253} \\ H7 & \tiny(5) & Optimization Principles in Biological Physics. \textsc{PB~254} \\ H8 & \tiny(4) & Opportunities for Research and Employment in Transporation Science. \textsc{PB~255} \\ H9 & \tiny(0) & Optoelectronic Properties of Quantum Dots. \textsc{A105} \\ H10 & \tiny(0) & Physics of Bacteria II. \textsc{A106} \\ H11 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Extreme Mechanics I}. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ H12 & \tiny(0) & Statistical and Nonlinear Physics of Social Systems. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ H13 & \tiny(0) & Liquid Crystals: Nanoparticles and Surfaces. \textsc{B112} \\ H14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Transport Properties of Nanostructures III: Theory and Computation I}. \textsc{B113} \\ H15 & \tiny(0) & Metals: Compounds, Magnetism. \textsc{B114} \\ H16 & \tiny(0) & Nanowires: Synthesis, Structural Properties and Growth Kinetics. \textsc{B115} \\ H17 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Relaxation Dynamics of Polymeric Glasses II}. \textsc{B116} \\ H18 & \tiny(0) & Polymer Composites. \textsc{B117} \\ H19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Long Range Order in Polymeric Structure and Morphology I}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ H20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Excitonic Effects}. \textsc{C120-C122} \\ H21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Nanoribbons}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ H22 & \tiny(0) & Epitaxial Graphene on Silicon Carbide. \textsc{PB~252} \\ H23 & \tiny(0) & Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo I. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ H24 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Production and Application of Cold Molecules I}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ H25 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Si}. \textsc{D135} \\ H26 & \tiny(0) & Spin Qubits - Diamond, III-Vs, and Coupling to Cavities. \textsc{D136} \\ H27 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Confined and Biological Water II}. \textsc{D137} \\ H28 & \tiny(2) & \focus{New Frontiers in Electronic Structure Theory I}. \textsc{C124} \\ H29 & \tiny(2) & Physics and Materials for Inorganic Photovoltaics: III. \textsc{C123} \\ H30 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Frontiers in Computational Thermodynamics of Materials}. \textsc{D139} \\ H31 & \tiny(0) & Weakly and Strongly Interacting Fermions. \textsc{E141} \\ H32 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Tribophysics---Fracture and Plasticity}. \textsc{E142} \\ H33 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Magnetization and Spin Dynamics II}. \textsc{E143} \\ H34 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Spin Chains and Ladders}. \textsc{E144} \\ H35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---DMS: Nitrides and Oxides}. \textsc{E145} \\ H36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Spin Torque}. \textsc{E146} \\ H37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Manganites}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ H38 & \tiny(0) & Phase Transitions in Vanadium Oxides. \textsc{F149} \\ H39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Pairing Symmetry}. \textsc{F150} \\ H40 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Phonons and Electron Correlations in High Temperature Superconductors II}. \textsc{F151} \\ H41 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Proximity Effects. \textsc{F152} \\ H42 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Research in Mathematics Education and Mathematics in Physics Education}. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session H:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{11:15am Tuesday}} \\ J1 & \tiny(5) & The Gap Structure of the Fe Superconducters. \textsc{OB~201} \\ J2 & \tiny(5) & Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Very High Landau Levels. \textsc{OB~202} \\ J3 & \tiny(5) & Energy Research and Applications: Future Materials and Systems. \textsc{OB~203} \\ J4 & \tiny(5) & Dynamics of Polymers on Multi-Length Scales: Melts. \textsc{OB~204} \\ J5 & \tiny(5) & What Works for Women in Physics: Lessons Learned from Research. \textsc{PB~256} \\ J6 & \tiny(5) & Advanced Electronic Structure Methods for Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators. \textsc{PB~253} \\ J7 & \tiny(5) & Biofilms and Multicellularity. \textsc{PB~254} \\ J8 & \tiny(5) & LaserFest: Laser Education and Outreach. \textsc{PB~255} \\ J9 & \tiny(0) & Transport in Semiconductors I. \textsc{A105} \\ J10 & \tiny(0) & Protein-Protein Interaction and Protein Aggregation. \textsc{A106} \\ J11 & \tiny(0) & Biological Networks \& System Biology. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ J12 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Thermal Transport}. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ J13 & \tiny(0) & Systems Far From Equilibrium. \textsc{B112} \\ J14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Optics of Nanostructures Ð Plasmons, Nanoantennas, and Quantum Dots}. \textsc{B113} \\ J15 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy II: Optical Techniques}. \textsc{B114} \\ J16 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymers and Energy: Photovoltaics I}. \textsc{B115} \\ J17 & \tiny(0) & Frank J. Padden Jr. Award Symposium. \textsc{B116} \\ J18 & \tiny(0) & Physics of Copolymers. \textsc{B117} \\ J19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Hierarchically and Templated Ordered Systems I}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ J20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Mechanical properties and Biosensors}. \textsc{C120-C122} \\ J21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Transport I}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ J22 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Optoelectronic Devices}. \textsc{PB~252} \\ J23 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Plyler Prize Session and New Trends in Spectroscopy I}. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ J24 & \tiny(0) & Topological Insulators: Theory. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ J25 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Electric-to-Light Conversion and Optics in Semiconductors II}. \textsc{D135} \\ J26 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Topological Quantum Computing}. \textsc{D136} \\ J27 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Confined and Biological Water III}. \textsc{D137} \\ J28 & \tiny(2) & \focus{New Frontiers in Electronic Structure Theory II}. \textsc{C124} \\ J29 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Thermoelectrics II: Dirac, Bi2Te3 \& Nanostructures}. \textsc{C123} \\ J30 & \tiny(1) & \focus{High Pressure II: Equations of State}. \textsc{D139} \\ J31 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Hybrid AMO-condensed Matter Systems for Quantum Information Science}. \textsc{E141} \\ J32 & \tiny(0) & Structure and Morphology: Metal Surfaces. \textsc{E142} \\ J33 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spin Dependent Physics in Organic-Based Materials I}. \textsc{E143} \\ J34 & \tiny(0) & Correlated Electrons: New Materials. \textsc{E144} \\ J35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Spin Orbit Effects and Spin Relaxation}. \textsc{E145} \\ J36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Domain Dynamics}. \textsc{E146} \\ J37 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Novel Magnetic Devices - Spin Torque I}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ J38 & \tiny(0) & Heavy Fermions II: Ce-based 115 and 122 Systems. \textsc{F149} \\ J39 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Properties and Pressure}. \textsc{F150} \\ J40 & \tiny(0) & Strongly Correlated Models for Cuprate Systems. \textsc{F151} \\ J41 & \tiny(0) & Response to Electromagnetic Fields (Optical, Raman). \textsc{F152} \\ J42 & \tiny(0) & General Theory, Methods, Education and Relativity. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session J:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{2:30pm Tuesday}} \\ L1 & \tiny(5) & Novel Probes of Electron Interactions in One-Dimensional Systems. \textsc{OB~201} \\ L2 & \tiny(5) & Correlated States for Topological Quantum Computing. \textsc{OB~202} \\ L3 & \tiny(5) & How to Predict Localized Hole-States in Oxides and Wide-Gap Semiconductors?. \textsc{OB~203} \\ L4 & \tiny(3) & Onsager and Heineman Prize Session. \textsc{OB~204} \\ L5 & \tiny(5) & Promoting Excellence: Preparation, Execution, and Opportunities. \textsc{PB~256} \\ L6 & \tiny(5) & Intracellular Fluid Dynamics. \textsc{PB~253} \\ L7 & \tiny(5) & Educational Challenges in Biological Physics. \textsc{PB~254} \\ L8 & \tiny(5) & Recent Advances and New Projects in Neutron and X-Ray Sources. \textsc{PB~255} \\ L9 & \tiny(0) & Optical Properties of Nanocrystals. \textsc{A105} \\ L10 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Single Molecule Biophysics and Chemical Physics IV}. \textsc{A106} \\ L11 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Extreme Mechanics II}. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ L12 & \tiny(0) & Granular Materials I. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ L13 & \tiny(0) & Liquid crystals: Mostly Nematics. \textsc{B112} \\ L14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Transport Properties of Nanostructures IV: Charge Dynamics and Imaging of Photoactive Molecules}. \textsc{B113} \\ L15 & \tiny(0) & \focus{X-ray and Neutron Instruments and Measurement Science II}. \textsc{B114} \\ L16 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Polymers and Energy: Photovoltaics II}. \textsc{B115} \\ L17 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dillon Medal Symposium}. \textsc{B116} \\ L18 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Long Range Order in Polymeric Structure and Morphology II}. \textsc{B117} \\ L19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Hierarchically and Templated Ordered Systems II}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ L20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Computational Design of New Materials---Nanostructure Design}. \textsc{C120-122} \\ L21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Transport II}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ L22 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes Alignment and Sorting: Device Applications}. \textsc{PB~252} \\ L23 & \tiny(0) & Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo II. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ L24 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Applications}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ L25 & \tiny(0) & Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors. \textsc{D135} \\ L26 & \tiny(0) & Spin Qubits - Control, Transport, Architecture and Decoherence. \textsc{D136} \\ L27 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Confined and Biological Water IV}. \textsc{D137} \\ L28 & \tiny(0) & Nucleic Acids: Structure \& Function. \textsc{C124} \\ L29 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Interface Controlled Organic Thin Films for Enhanced Device Performance}. \textsc{C123} \\ L30 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Hydrogen Storage II---Complex Hydrides}. \textsc{D139} \\ L31 & \tiny(0) & APS Editorial Q \& A. \textsc{E141} \\ L32 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Tribophysics---Sliding Friction}. \textsc{E142} \\ L33 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spin Dependent Physics in Organic-Based Materials II}. \textsc{E143} \\ L34 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Strongly Frustrated Antiferromagnets in 2D}. \textsc{E144} \\ L35 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Spin Injection}. \textsc{E145} \\ L36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Tunnel Junctions}. \textsc{E146} \\ L37 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Novel Magnetic Devices: Spin Torque II}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ L38 & \tiny(0) & Charge Order in One-Dimensional Systems. \textsc{F149} \\ L39 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Magnetism and Structure}. \textsc{F150} \\ L40 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Electronic Structure (ARPES). \textsc{F151} \\ L41 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Search for New Superconductors - Heterostructures, Thin Films, Intercalated and High-Pressure Compounds}. \textsc{F152} \\ L42 & \tiny(0) & High Reynolds Number Flows. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session L:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{8:00am Wednesday}} \\ P1 & \tiny(5) & Superconductivity and Magnetism of Iron Chalcogenides. \textsc{OB~201} \\ P2 & \tiny(5) & Quantum Oscillations, Superconductivity, and Pseudogaps in Nanoscaled Metal Films and Islands. \textsc{OB~202} \\ P3 & \tiny(5) & Emergent Behavior in Particle Systems Subjected to Time-Dependent Fields. \textsc{OB~203} \\ P4 & \tiny(5) & Celebrating 50 Years of Lasers in Condensed Matter Physics: Dynamics \& Imaging. \textsc{OB~204} \\ P5 & \tiny(5) & Lattice Boltzmann Method and Its Applications. \textsc{PB~256} \\ P6 & \tiny(5) & Fermions at Unitarity: Gravity, the Quark-Gluon Plasma, and Ultra-Cold Atoms. \textsc{PB~253} \\ P7 & \tiny(4) & Physics, Culture and the Arts. \textsc{PB~254} \\ P8 & \tiny(5) & Physicists as Entrepreneurs. \textsc{PB~255} \\ P9 & \tiny(0) & Electronic Properties of Quantum Dots. \textsc{A105} \\ P10 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Physics of Behavior}. \textsc{A106} \\ P11 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Extreme Mechanics III}. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ P12 & \tiny(0) & Granular Materials II. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ P13 & \tiny(0) & Membranes: General, Surface, Biological. \textsc{B112} \\ P14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Transport Properties of Nanostructures V: Theory and Computation II}. \textsc{B113} \\ P15 & \tiny(0) & Instrumentation for Nanoscale Science. \textsc{B114} \\ P16 & \tiny(0) & Nanowires: Electronic and Optical Properties. \textsc{B115} \\ P17 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Glass Transition in Thin Films I}. \textsc{B116} \\ P18 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Biological-Synthetic Hybrid Materials I}. \textsc{B117} \\ P19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Physics of Polymer Nanocomposites I}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ P20 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Electron Transport}. \textsc{C120-C122} \\ P21 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Nano-Graphene}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ P22 & \tiny(0) & Bilayer Graphene. \textsc{PB~252} \\ P23 & \tiny(0) & Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamics. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ P24 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Nanostructures}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ P25 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - III-V's}. \textsc{D135} \\ P26 & \tiny(0) & Superconducting Qubits: Materials / Nanomechanical Resonators. \textsc{D136} \\ P27 & \tiny(2) & \focus{New Trends in Spectroscopy II}. \textsc{D137} \\ P28 & \tiny(2) & \focus{New Frontiers in Electronic Structure Theory III}. \textsc{C124} \\ P29 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Thermoelectrics III: IV-VI's \& Nanostructures}. \textsc{C123} \\ P30 & \tiny(0) & Nanopores and Related Structures for DNA Detection. \textsc{D139} \\ P31 & \tiny(0) & Ultracold Gases in One Dimensional and Ring Geometries. \textsc{E141} \\ P32 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Tribophysics---Adhesion and Friction}. \textsc{E142} \\ P33 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Spin Dependent Physics in Organic-Based Materials III}. \textsc{E143} \\ P34 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Antiferromagnets on the Triangular Lattice}. \textsc{E144} \\ P35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---GaMnAs Electronic Structure}. \textsc{E145} \\ P36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---Cobaltites}. \textsc{E146} \\ P37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Conductivity and Metal-Insulator Transition I}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ P38 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Criticality II. \textsc{F149} \\ P39 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Theory II}. \textsc{F150} \\ P40 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Physical Propertise II}. \textsc{F151} \\ P41 & \tiny(0) & Tutorial for Authors and Referees. \textsc{F152} \\ P42 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Fluctuation Phenomena. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session P:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{11:15am Wednesday}} \\ Q1 & \tiny(4) & Novel Superconductivity: Insights from a Materials Perspective. \textsc{OB~201} \\ Q2 & \tiny(5) & Jamming. \textsc{OB~202} \\ Q3 & \tiny(5) & Physics for Everyone. \textsc{OB~203} \\ Q4 & \tiny(5) & Celebrating 50 Years of Lasers in Condensed Matter Physics: Surfaces, Imaging \& Technology. \textsc{OB~204} \\ Q5 & \tiny(5) & A Critical Challenge for the Biotech Industry: The Measurement of Protein Associations. \textsc{PB~256} \\ Q6 & \tiny(5) & Science Literacy, the Nature of Science and Religion. \textsc{PB~253} \\ Q7 & \tiny(5) & Mechanics in Cell Biology. \textsc{PB~254} \\ Q8 & \tiny(5) & Magnonics: Spin Wave Processes in Magnetic Materials. \textsc{PB~255} \\ Q9 & \tiny(0) & Electronic Properties of Low Dimensional Systems. \textsc{A105} \\ Q10 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Physics of Biochips I}. \textsc{A106} \\ Q11 & \tiny(2) & Self-organization in Biological Cells and tissue II. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ Q12 & \tiny(0) & Self-Assembly: Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ Q13 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Stochastic Processes in Biology I}. \textsc{B112} \\ Q14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Optics of Nanostructures: Quantum Dots and Nanomaterials}. \textsc{B113} \\ Q15 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy III: Spectroscopic Techniques at Low Temperatures}. \textsc{B114} \\ Q16 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymers and Energy: Fuel Cells and Batteries}. \textsc{B115} \\ Q17 & \tiny(1) & Focus Session : Glass Transition in Thin Films II. \textsc{B116} \\ Q18 & \tiny(1) & Biological-Synthetic Hybrid Materials II. \textsc{B117} \\ Q19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Physics of Polymer Nanocomposites II}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ Q20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Local Probes}. \textsc{C120-122} \\ Q21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Bilayers I}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ Q22 & \tiny(0) & Graphene Junctions. \textsc{PB~252} \\ Q23 & \tiny(0) & Electronic Structure. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ Q24 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Strain and Interfaces}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ Q25 & \tiny(0) & QHE: Bilayers and Tunneling. \textsc{D135} \\ Q26 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Error Correction and Dynamical Decoupling. \textsc{D136} \\ Q27 & \tiny(3) & \focus{New Trends in Spectroscopy III}. \textsc{D137} \\ Q28 & \tiny(2) & \focus{New Frontiers in Electronic Structure Theory IV}. \textsc{C124} \\ Q29 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Thermoelectrics IV: Group IV's \& Nanostructures}. \textsc{C123} \\ Q30 & \tiny(0) & \focus{High Pressure III}. \textsc{D139} \\ Q31 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Quantum Simulation using AMO Systems}. \textsc{E141} \\ Q32 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Self Assembly of Molecules on Surfaces}. \textsc{E142} \\ Q33 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Oxide/Semiconductor Interfaces and Defects}. \textsc{E143} \\ Q34 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Spins, Orbitals, and Phonons}. \textsc{E144} \\ Q35 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Spin Device Physics}. \textsc{E145} \\ Q36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---Fe-Based Multiferroics}. \textsc{E146} \\ Q37 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Conductivity and Metal-Insulator Transition II}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ Q38 & \tiny(0) & Topological Insulators: Theory and Experiment. \textsc{F149} \\ Q39 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Theory III}. \textsc{F150} \\ Q40 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors Physical Properties III}. \textsc{F151} \\ Q41 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Phonons and Electron Correlations in High Tc Superconductors}. \textsc{F152} \\ Q42 & \tiny(0) & Theory of Superconducting Properties. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session Q:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{2:30pm Wednesday}} \\ T1 & \tiny(4) & Prize Session: Buckley, Lilienfeld. \textsc{OB~201} \\ T2 & \tiny(5) & Quantum Fluctuations and Magnetic Frustration in Strongly Correlated Metals. \textsc{OB~202} \\ T3 & \tiny(5) & Materials with Topological Defects on Gaussian Curved Surfaces. \textsc{OB~203} \\ T4 & \tiny(5) & Keithly Award Session: Precision Time and Frequency Measurements. \textsc{OB~204} \\ T5 & \tiny(5) & Measuring Magnetism at the Nanoscale. \textsc{PB~256} \\ T6 & \tiny(5) & Graduate Education in Physics: Which Way Forward. \textsc{PB~253} \\ T7 & \tiny(5) & Avalanches in Condensed Matter. \textsc{PB~254} \\ T8 & \tiny(4) & Panel Discussion: Emerging Scientific Powers in the East: China. \textsc{PB~255} \\ T9 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Optics of Nanostructures - Near Field, Single Molecule, and Plasmonics}. \textsc{A105} \\ T10 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Physics of Biochips II}. \textsc{A106} \\ T11 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Single Molecule Biophysics and Chemical Physics V}. \textsc{A107-A108} \\ T12 & \tiny(0) & Microfluidics II: Devices. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ T13 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Stochastic Processes in Biology II}. \textsc{B112} \\ T14 & \tiny(0) & Energy Resources Followed by Energy Production, Sustainability and Environment. \textsc{B113} \\ T15 & \tiny(0) & Metals, Compounds, and Metal-like Behavior. \textsc{B114} \\ T16 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Organic Electronics and Photonics: Transport}. \textsc{B115} \\ T17 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dynamics of Polymers and Complex Fluids I}. \textsc{B116} \\ T18 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Biological-Synthetic Hybrid Materials III}. \textsc{B117} \\ T19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymer-Nanoparticle Interactions I}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ T20 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Computational Design of New Materials---Energy}. \textsc{C120-122} \\ T21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Bilayers II}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ T22 & \tiny(1) & Multiscale Materials (Theory, Modeling and Experiments that Bridge Scales). \textsc{PB~252} \\ T23 & \tiny(0) & Density Functional Theory II. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ T24 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Domains}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ T25 & \tiny(0) & QHE: Microwaves and Periodic Modulation. \textsc{D135} \\ T26 & \tiny(0) & Superconducting Qubits: Measurements. \textsc{D136} \\ T27 & \tiny(0) & Cellular Biomechanics. \textsc{D137} \\ T28 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Production and Application of Cold Molecules II}. \textsc{C124} \\ T29 & \tiny(0) & Superconducting Devices and Applications. \textsc{C123} \\ T30 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Hydrogen Storage III}. \textsc{D139} \\ T31 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Phase Transitions in Atomic and Molecular Systems. \textsc{E141} \\ T32 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Self Assembly on Novel Templates}. \textsc{E142} \\ T33 & \tiny(0) & Novel Magnetic Materials. \textsc{E143} \\ T34 & \tiny(0) & Correlated Electrons: Theory. \textsc{E144} \\ T35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors -Spin Hall Effect and Spin Currents}. \textsc{E145} \\ T36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---Layered Manganites and Theory}. \textsc{E146} \\ T37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Interfaces and Superlattices}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ T38 & \tiny(0) & Electronic Phase Transitions in Correlated Systems. \textsc{F149} \\ T39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Scanning Probe}. \textsc{F150} \\ T40 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Doping and Magnetism}. \textsc{F151} \\ T41 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Search for New Superconductors - Nanotubes and Fullerides}. \textsc{F152} \\ T42 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Spin Properties. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session T:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{5:45pm Wednesday}} \\ U1 & \tiny(1) & Nobel Prize Session. \textsc{PB~252} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{7:30pm Wednesday}} \\ U45 & \tiny(3) & ``Trends" in the APS Publication Physics. \textsc{Portland~Hilton~Pavillion~Ballroom} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{8:00am Thursday}} \\ V1 & \tiny(5) & Structure, Magnetic Properties, and Superconductivity in the Pnictides. \textsc{OB~201} \\ V2 & \tiny(5) & Relaxation and Dynamic Heterogeneity and Glass. \textsc{OB~202} \\ V3 & \tiny(5) & Electronic, Magnetic, and Magnetoelectric Excitations in Multiferroics. \textsc{OB~203} \\ V4 & \tiny(5) & Biological Nanostructures for Photonics and Adhesion. \textsc{OB~204} \\ V5 & \tiny(5) & Industrial Applications of Neutron Scattering. \textsc{PB~256} \\ V6 & \tiny(5) & The Impact of Large Scale Computing on Research in Physics. \textsc{PB~253} \\ V7 & \tiny(5) & Piconewtons and Nanometers: The Physics of Molecular Motors. \textsc{PB~254} \\ V8 & \tiny(5) & Spots, Stripes, and Turbulence. \textsc{PB~255} \\ V9 & \tiny(0) & Fractional QHE. \textsc{A105} \\ V10 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Dynamics of Neural Systems}. \textsc{A106} \\ V11 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Nonlinear Hydrodynamics of Swimming Cells}. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ V12 & \tiny(0) & Colloidal Particles and Clusters. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ V13 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Jamming I}. \textsc{B112} \\ V14 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Transport Properties of Nanostructures VI: Inorganic Nanostructures and Nanomechanics}. \textsc{B113} \\ V15 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Novel Instrumentation and Measurements for Medical and Biological Systems}. \textsc{B114} \\ V16 & \tiny(0) & Nanowires: Electrical and Thermal Properties. \textsc{B115} \\ V17 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dynamics of Polymers and Complex Fluids II}. \textsc{B116} \\ V18 & \tiny(0) & Biopolymer Molecules - Solutions, Networks, and Gels. \textsc{B117} \\ V19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymer-Nanoparticle Interactions II}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ V20 & \tiny(0) & Graphene Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. \textsc{C120-122} \\ V21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Mechanical and Thermal Properties}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ V22 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene. \textsc{PB~252} \\ V23 & \tiny(0) & Solid Helium I. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ V24 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Bulk Ferroelectrics I}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ V25 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors - Oxides, general}. \textsc{D135} \\ V26 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Superconducting Qubits}. \textsc{D136} \\ V27 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Attosecond Science and Strong Field Chemical Physics I}. \textsc{D137} \\ V28 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Charge Transport in Nanostructures I}. \textsc{C124} \\ V29 & \tiny(0) & Optical/Laser Devices and Applications. \textsc{C123} \\ V30 & \tiny(0) & Nanotechnology Applications: NEMS, CNTs, Graphene, and Nanoscale Devices. \textsc{D139} \\ V31 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Strongly Interacting Quantum Gases}. \textsc{E141} \\ V32 & \tiny(0) & Surface Reactions and Dynamics. \textsc{E142} \\ V33 & \tiny(0) & Cooperative Phenomena- Experiment, Spin Dynamics and Materials. \textsc{E143} \\ V34 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Quantum Magnetism I}. \textsc{E144} \\ V35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Carbon-based Systems}. \textsc{E145} \\ V36 & \tiny(0) & Spin Transport in Metals including GMR. \textsc{E146} \\ V37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---Multiferroics and Tunneling}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ V38 & \tiny(0) & Disordered Electronic Systems. \textsc{F149} \\ V39 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Lattice Probes \& Irradiation}. \textsc{F150} \\ V40 & \tiny(0) & Superconducting Vortices: Pinning \& Lattice Effects. \textsc{F151} \\ V41 & \tiny(0) & Superconductor-Insulator Transitions. \textsc{F152} \\ V42 & \tiny(0) & Surfaces: Phase Transitions, Magnetic and Superconducting Properties. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session V:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{11:15am Thursday}} \\ W1 & \tiny(5) & Direct Imaging of Crystal Nucleation. \textsc{OB~201} \\ W2 & \tiny(5) & Drop-based Microfluidics for Use with Soft-materials and Biology. \textsc{OB~202} \\ W3 & \tiny(5) & Adler, McGroddy, and Pake Award/Prize Session. \textsc{OB~203} \\ W4 & \tiny(5) & Electric Voltages Generated by Magnetization Dynamics. \textsc{OB~204} \\ W5 & \tiny(4) & Renewable Energy Education. \textsc{PB~256} \\ W6 & \tiny(4) & Superconducting Qubits. \textsc{PB~253} \\ W7 & \tiny(5) & Biological Networks. \textsc{PB~254} \\ W8 & \tiny(5) & Scanned Probe Microscopy of Novel Materials and Systems. \textsc{PB~255} \\ W9 & \tiny(0) & QHE and topological insulators. \textsc{A105} \\ W10 & \tiny(0) & Lipid Bilayers I. \textsc{A106} \\ W11 & \tiny(0) & Proteins: Structure, Function, and Folding. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ W12 & \tiny(0) & Foams and Suspensions. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ W13 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Jamming II}. \textsc{B112} \\ W14 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Optics of Nanostructures---Quantum Dots II}. \textsc{B113} \\ W15 & \tiny(0) & Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures. \textsc{B114} \\ W16 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Organic Electronics and Photonics: Transistors and Light Emitting Devices}. \textsc{B115} \\ W17 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Dynamics of Polymers and Complex Fluids III}. \textsc{B116} \\ W18 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymer Network Mechanics I}. \textsc{B117} \\ W19 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Techniques in Soft Matter and Biological}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ W20 & \tiny(0) & Graphene Spetroscopy. \textsc{C120-122} \\ W21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Strain}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ W22 & \tiny(0) & Graphene Nanoribbons. \textsc{PB~252} \\ W23 & \tiny(0) & Solid Helium II. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ W24 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Bulk Ferroelectrics II}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ W25 & \tiny(0) & Semiconductor Growths and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors. \textsc{D135} \\ W26 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Control and Resources for Quantum Computing. \textsc{D136} \\ W27 & \tiny(4) & \focus{Attosecond Science and Strong Field Chemical Physics II}. \textsc{D137} \\ W28 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Charge Transport in Nanostructures II}. \textsc{C124} \\ W29 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Thermoelectrics V: III-V's \& Nanostructures}. \textsc{C123} \\ W30 & \tiny(1) & \focus{High Pressure IV: Dynamics of Shock Induced Phase Transitions}. \textsc{D139} \\ W31 & \tiny(0) & Non-equilibrium Quantum Dynamics in Atomic Systems. \textsc{E141} \\ W32 & \tiny(0) & Structure and Morphology: Semiconductor Surfaces. \textsc{E142} \\ W33 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Entanglement. \textsc{E143} \\ W34 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Atomic Size Structures}. \textsc{E144} \\ W35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---DMS: III-V and Devices}. \textsc{E145} \\ W36 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Spin Ice}. \textsc{E146} \\ W37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Complex Oxide Thin Films---BiFeO3 Multiferroics}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ W38 & \tiny(0) & Correlated Electrons: Lattice Models. \textsc{F149} \\ W39 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Neutron Scattering and Magnetism}. \textsc{F150} \\ W40 & \tiny(0) & Mesoscopic and Nanoscopic Superconductors. \textsc{F151} \\ W41 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Search for New Superconductors - Silicides, Nickelates and Cobaltates}. \textsc{F152} \\ W42 & \tiny(0) & Excitation and Transport at Complex Interfaces. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session W:42 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{2:30pm Thursday}} \\ X1 & \tiny(5) & Nanostructure Studies of Strongly Correlated Materials. \textsc{OB~201} \\ X2 & \tiny(5) & Quantum Simulation of Strongly Correlated Systems with Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices. \textsc{OB~202} \\ X3 & \tiny(5) & Magnetic Monopoles and Dirac Strings in Condensed Matter. \textsc{OB~203} \\ X4 & \tiny(5) & Dynamics of Nano-confined Polymer Films. \textsc{OB~204} \\ X5 & \tiny(5) & Emerging Tomographic Algorithms: From Bending Molecules to Beating Hearts. \textsc{PB~256} \\ X6 & \tiny(5) & The Neural Dynamics of Songbirds. \textsc{PB~253} \\ X7 & \tiny(5) & Waves in Actin Dynamics. \textsc{PB~254} \\ X8 & \tiny(5) & The 50th Anniversary of the Prediction of Superfluidity of He3. \textsc{PB~255} \\ X9 & \tiny(0) & QHE: High Filling Factors and Weak Fields. \textsc{A105} \\ X10 & \tiny(0) & Virology and Medical Physics. \textsc{A106} \\ X12 & \tiny(0) & General Fluid Mechanics: Surface and Thermal Effects. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ X13 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Jamming III}. \textsc{B112} \\ X14 & \tiny(0) & Nanowires and Nanotubes: Devices and Applications. \textsc{B113} \\ X15 & \tiny(0) & Structural and Electronic Properties of Metals I. \textsc{B114} \\ X16 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Organic Electronics and Photonics: Electronic Structure and Interfaces}. \textsc{B115} \\ X17 & \tiny(0) & Charged and Ion-Containing Polymers I. \textsc{B116} \\ X18 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymer Network Mechanics II}. \textsc{B117} \\ X19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymer Colloids: Particle Interactions and Assembly}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ X20 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Optical Studies}. \textsc{C120-C122} \\ X21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Devices}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ X22 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Carbon Nanotubes: Absorption and Defects}. \textsc{PB~252} \\ X23 & \tiny(0) & Many Body I. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ X24 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides---Defects and Relaxors}. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ X25 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Structures. \textsc{D135} \\ X26 & \tiny(0) & Superconducting Qubits: Coherent Phases in Superconducting Resonators. \textsc{D136} \\ X27 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Chemical Control of the Properties of Complex Oxides I}. \textsc{D137} \\ X28 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Charge Transport in Nanostructures III}. \textsc{C124} \\ X29 & \tiny(0) & Photonics Applications. \textsc{C123} \\ X30 & \tiny(0) & Bionanotechnology. \textsc{D139} \\ X31 & \tiny(0) & High Pressure V. \textsc{E141} \\ X32 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Size Effects and Interfaces. \textsc{E142} \\ X33 & \tiny(2) & \focus{Foundations of Quantum Theory}. \textsc{E143} \\ X34 & \tiny(0) & Magnetic Characterization and Imaging. \textsc{E144} \\ X35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Spin Dynamics}. \textsc{E145} \\ X36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---Novel Systems}. \textsc{E146} \\ X37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Molecules}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ X38 & \tiny(0) & Structural Phase Transitions. \textsc{F149} \\ X39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Spin Excitation}. \textsc{F150} \\ X40 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Transport Properties. \textsc{F151} \\ X41 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Search for New Superconductors - Carbides, Borides and Organics}. \textsc{F152} \\ X42 & \tiny(0) & Physics Education: Research, Techniques, Classic Experiments, and Policy. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session X:41 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{8:00am Friday}} \\ Y1 & \tiny(5) & Extended Quantum Criticality - The Link Between Heavy Fermions and Cuprate Superconductors?. \textsc{OB~201} \\ Y2 & \tiny(5) & Composite Fermions: Recent Advances in States and Excitations. \textsc{OB~202} \\ Y3 & \tiny(5) & Two-particle Entanglement with Single Particle Emitters. \textsc{OB~203} \\ Y4 & \tiny(5) & Microscopic Physics of Magnetization Damping. \textsc{OB~204} \\ Y5 & \tiny(5) & Conductance and Coherence in Nanotubes and Nanobeams. \textsc{PB~256} \\ Y6 & \tiny(5) & Quantum Hydrodynamics. \textsc{PB~253} \\ Y7 & \tiny(5) & Convergence of Physics and Life Sciences: Emerging Perspectives in Cancer. \textsc{PB~254} \\ Y8 & \tiny(5) & Ion Interactions and Transport in Ion-Containing Polymers. \textsc{PB~255} \\ Y9 & \tiny(0) & Transport in Semiconductors II. \textsc{A105} \\ Y10 & \tiny(0) & Computational Molecular Biophysics. \textsc{A106} \\ Y12 & \tiny(0) & Disordered and Glassy Systems I. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ Y13 & \tiny(0) & Statistical and Nonlinear Physics I. \textsc{B112} \\ Y14 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Nanostructures and Plasmonics}. \textsc{B113} \\ Y15 & \tiny(0) & Detectors, Sensors, and Transducers. \textsc{B114} \\ Y16 & \tiny(0) & Fullerenes and Composites. \textsc{B115} \\ Y17 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Organic Electronics and Photonics - Electronic, Optical, Magnetic Properties}. \textsc{B116} \\ Y18 & \tiny(0) & Elastomers and Gels. \textsc{B117} \\ Y19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymer Colloids: Dynamics}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ Y20 & \tiny(0) & Glassy and Amorphous Materials. \textsc{C120-122} \\ Y21 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Graphene: Field-Effect Devices}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ Y22 & \tiny(0) & Graphene Theory. \textsc{PB~252} \\ Y23 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Fluids and Solids. \textsc{C125-C126} \\ Y24 & \tiny(0) & Insulators: pt. Defects, Dielectrics, and Scintillators/Phosphors. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ Y25 & \tiny(0) & Nanoparticles. \textsc{D135} \\ Y26 & \tiny(0) & Superconducting Qubits: Decoherence and Noise. \textsc{D136} \\ Y27 & \tiny(3) & \focus{Chemical Control of the Properties of Complex Oxides II}. \textsc{D137} \\ Y28 & \tiny(0) & Chemical Dynamics. \textsc{C124} \\ Y29 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Thermoelectrics VI: Oxides, Measurements, Devices}. \textsc{C123} \\ Y30 & \tiny(0) & Disordered Magnetic Materials. \textsc{D139} \\ Y31 & \tiny(0) & Ferromagnetism and Spin-imbalances in Quantum Gases. \textsc{E141} \\ Y32 & \tiny(0) & Novel Instrumentation \& Techniques in Surface Science. \textsc{E142} \\ Y33 & \tiny(0) & Novel Probes of Quantum Gases and Quantum Measurement / Quantum Information. \textsc{E143} \\ Y34 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Quantum Magnetism II}. \textsc{E144} \\ Y35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---Qubits and Quantum Wires}. \textsc{E145} \\ Y36 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---General Multiferroics}. \textsc{E146} \\ Y37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Nanoparticles I}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ Y38 & \tiny(0) & Nanostructures of Correlated Materials. \textsc{F149} \\ Y39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Spectroscopy I}. \textsc{F150} \\ Y40 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Magnetism and Transport}. \textsc{F151} \\ Y41 & \tiny(0) & Strongly Correlated Systems - Theory. \textsc{F152} \\ Y42 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Thermodynamic, Mechanical and Structural Properties. \textsc{D138} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session Y:41 \bigskip \begin{tabular}{rrp{6.5in}l} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textsc{11:15am Friday}} \\ Z1 & \tiny(4) & Coherent Optical Manipulation of Electron and Nuclear Spin in Artificial Atomic and Molecular Systems in Solids. \textsc{OB~201} \\ Z2 & \tiny(5) & Plasmonic Nanogaps: From Single Molecule Sensing to Light Manipulation and Beyond. \textsc{OB~202} \\ Z3 & \tiny(5) & Response of Magnetism to Electric Fields and Light. \textsc{OB~203} \\ Z4 & \tiny(5) & Plasmonics Applications. \textsc{OB~204} \\ Z9 & \tiny(0) & QHE: Quantum Computing. \textsc{A105} \\ Z10 & \tiny(0) & Physics of Physiological Systems. \textsc{A106} \\ Z11 & \tiny(0) & Lipid Bilayers II. \textsc{A107-A109} \\ Z12 & \tiny(0) & Disordered and Glassy Systems II. \textsc{B110-B111} \\ Z13 & \tiny(0) & Statistical and Nonlinear Physics II. \textsc{B112} \\ Z14 & \tiny(0) & Graphene: Adsorbates and Defects. \textsc{B113} \\ Z15 & \tiny(0) & Structural and Electronic Properties of Metals II. \textsc{B114} \\ Z16 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Organic Electronics and Photonics: Fundamentals}. \textsc{B115} \\ Z17 & \tiny(0) & Charged and Ion-Containing Polymers II. \textsc{B116} \\ Z18 & \tiny(0) & New Experimental, Theoretical, and Computational Methods in Polymer and Soft Matter Physics. \textsc{B117} \\ Z19 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Polymer Brushes}. \textsc{B118-B119} \\ Z20 & \tiny(0) & Carbon Nanotubes: Fundamentals and Applications. \textsc{C120-122} \\ Z21 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Graphene: Growth}. \textsc{PB~251} \\ Z22 & \tiny(0) & Graphene Optical Properties and Imaging. \textsc{PB~252} \\ Z24 & \tiny(0) & Oxides and other Insulators. \textsc{D133-D134} \\ Z25 & \tiny(0) & Theoretical Methods and Applications. \textsc{D135} \\ Z26 & \tiny(0) & Superconducting Qubits: New States and Effects. \textsc{D136} \\ Z27 & \tiny(0) & Surfaces. \textsc{D137} \\ Z28 & \tiny(0) & Clusters. \textsc{C124} \\ Z29 & \tiny(0) & A Potpourri of AMO and Quantum Information. \textsc{C123} \\ Z30 & \tiny(0) & Optoelectronic Devices and Applications. \textsc{D139} \\ Z31 & \tiny(0) & Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-body Physics in Optical Lattices. \textsc{E141} \\ Z32 & \tiny(0) & Interactions and Thin Films. \textsc{E142} \\ Z33 & \tiny(0) & Open Quantum Systems and Decoherence. \textsc{E143} \\ Z34 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Frustrated and Low-D Magnetism---Quantum Magnetism III}. \textsc{E144} \\ Z35 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Spins in Semiconductors---DMS: II-VI and Group IV}. \textsc{E145} \\ Z36 & \tiny(0) & \focus{Bulk Properties of Complex Oxides---4d and 5d Systems}. \textsc{E146} \\ Z37 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Nanomagnetism---Nanoparticles II}. \textsc{E147-E148} \\ Z39 & \tiny(1) & \focus{Iron Based Superconductors: Spectroscopy II}. \textsc{F150} \\ Z40 & \tiny(0) & Superconductivity: Spectroscopy (Neutron, Optical and others). \textsc{F151} \\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Total Session Z:34 \bigskip \end{document}