Archive for the month 'May, 2011'

with classmates on Metro

with classmates on Metro

obstacle course emergence

obstacle course emergence

goody bag

goody bag

disk launcher

disk launcher

listening intently

listening intently

the juice box scowl

the juice box scowl

building a rocket

building a rocket

buttons to press at Air and Space

buttons to press at Air and Space

pizza and juice

pizza and juice

the Easter bunny delivers

the Easter bunny delivers



Easter wagon ride

Easter wagon ride

watering the garden

watering the garden

atop and resting

atop and resting

playground bouncer with Fiona

playground bouncer with Fiona

couch jumping

couch jumping

stepping things

stepping things

football for Easter

football for Easter



fun on the twirler

fun on the twirler

running hard

running hard

aboard the Thomas train

aboard the Thomas train

bounce house party

bounce house party

with Halmonie on Metro

with Halmonie on Metro

adjusting the valves

adjusting the valves

pushing the swing

pushing the swing

is that Harvey?

is that Harvey?

daddy is glad that mommy can go on this one now

daddy is glad that mommy can go on this one now

in front of White House

in front of White House

first day of pool season

first day of pool season

ready to pick strawberries

ready to pick strawberries

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