Archive for the month 'March, 2016'

icosahedral climber

icosahedral climber

workout lessons

workout lessons

sidewalk two-square

sidewalk two-square

color guard instructions

color guard instructions

running drills

running drills

up the slide

up the slide

color guard

color guard

big swing

big swing

baseball workouts

baseball workouts

batting practice for Peter

batting practice for Peter

affixing the flag

affixing the flag

ready to slide

ready to slide



baseball workout break

baseball workout break



iPad Minecraft pals

iPad Minecraft pals

scouts learn about stamps

scouts learn about stamps

pals on the couch

pals on the couch

wreck this journal

wreck this journal

whacking something

whacking something

Zip code sorting

Zip code sorting

real bugs

real bugs

daddy's type of museum sign

daddy's type of museum sign

Maya Lin piece

Maya Lin piece

box sorting

box sorting

old tires

old tires

how long is this line?

how long is this line?

two kids in daddy's jacket

two kids in daddy's jacket

index cards

index cards

almost baseball

almost baseball

half a million pieces of wood

half a million pieces of wood

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